Monday, March 9, 2009

Go to your house's roof an jump rather smoke....

Why you people who smoke want to have a slow death....anyways you are going to die then why not rather go to your house's roof and jump from there.

A person who smokes..
1. Has the risk of dying from lung cancer 23 times more in men and 13 times more in women as compared to non-smokers.
2. This Tobacco causes upto 90% of lung cancer cases and is the major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
What about your family or others in front of whom you smoke....every thought about this...???
Passive smoking is also very dangerous...
Exposure to tobacco smoke in homes and public areas kill thousands of children, foetuses infants and adults.
Because of you smokers, non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke i.e. passive smoke at public places or homes develop a high risk of getting lung cancer by 20% to 30% and heart disease by 25% to 30%.

" Tobacco is the only product consumed that harms every person exposed to it and kills half of its regular users."

Smokers live an average of 15 years less than non-smokers.
You will be surprised to know that persently in our world 10% of the current world population will eventually succumb to tobacco related diesease, as approximately 650 million smokers are alive in this world today.

In india now its a serious offence to smoke in public areas and anyone can stop a smoker from smoking in public without any hesitation.

So why not have a tobacco free healthy world.

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