Sunday, March 15, 2009
MOM : "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school."
SON : "But why, Mama? I don't want to go to school."
MOM : "Give me two reasons why you don't want to go to school."
SON : "One, all the chilldren hate me. Two, all the teachers hate me."
MOM : "Oh! that's not a reason. Come on, you have to go to school."
SON : "Give me two good reasons WHY I *should* go to school?"
MOM : "One, you are FIFTY-TWO years old and should understand your responsibilities. Two, you are the PRINCIPAL of the school.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Go to your house's roof an jump rather smoke....
A person who smokes..
1. Has the risk of dying from lung cancer 23 times more in men and 13 times more in women as compared to non-smokers.
2. This Tobacco causes upto 90% of lung cancer cases and is the major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
What about your family or others in front of whom you smoke....every thought about this...???
Passive smoking is also very dangerous...
Exposure to tobacco smoke in homes and public areas kill thousands of children, foetuses infants and adults.
Because of you smokers, non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke i.e. passive smoke at public places or homes develop a high risk of getting lung cancer by 20% to 30% and heart disease by 25% to 30%.
" Tobacco is the only product consumed that harms every person exposed to it and kills half of its regular users."
Smokers live an average of 15 years less than non-smokers.
You will be surprised to know that persently in our world 10% of the current world population will eventually succumb to tobacco related diesease, as approximately 650 million smokers are alive in this world today.
In india now its a serious offence to smoke in public areas and anyone can stop a smoker from smoking in public without any hesitation.
So why not have a tobacco free healthy world.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Very Sad.....In the name of Research....
Stop cruelity to animals....
they breath as we do,
they bleed as we do,
they cry as we do,
they suffer pain as we do,
then why animals are used for experiments,
there hair are different from us, it is scientifically proven that their system is different than ours then why do the scientist perform experiments on them to check whether it will work on humans or not.
All these animal testing methods are faulty,
then why do we need them.
When we have cell based tissue models. So why do we still BLIND RABBITS.
When we have mannequins then why do we BASH BABOONS......
We cant simply explain what we are doing to them, if we could what would we say.......think about it people.....
A life in a METAL cage is no life.
When is comes to pain, hunger, wanting to live basically we all are the same.
Just see videos from PETA........
Become Veggie Lovers
Art Of Living International Asharam.....Banglore
10 Ways To Build A Better You
Make a habit of reading.Books in many ways have,what writer describes it,a pharmaceutical effect on people.They help us to forget the injustice of men and things,quiet our cares and our emotions, and lay our setbacks asleep.
It is so easy to drift.You will never be able to manage time if you fail to mak a routine and discipline yourself to follow it. Check yourself so that others will not have to check you.
Try and organise your life as much as possible. Keep a handy schedule and stick to it. Keep things where they should be. Don't keep work pending. Get it done as soon as you can. Why not stop right now and plan out a few things for the next few days,weeks,years.....
The moment you feel you have to live up to a certain standard set by others, you will be putting unecessary pressure upon urself. Avoid trying to follow the crowd. Consciously and constantly try to improve urself, without having to copy others. Just be real.
Maintain your health and keep urself fit.
Your friends have the power to influence you for either good or bad in many ways, they can either make you or break you. There are a lot of good people around, mix with folks who encourage you in good things, with whom you or at ease and feel at your best.
There will be times in your life when you will have to face the choice of furthering your interests at the expense of someone else's. It is important to realise that you don't need to put out another man's light in order to let your name shine
Achievements are hard to come by you have got to make the effort and continue making it. I do know of dozens of examples of people toiling hard and turning their lives around.
The BIBLE says that maney is the root of all evils. John Wesley puts it very succincly,"Earn all you can, save all you can and give all you can."
It is always wise to start many projects in a small way. Start small and keep it simple. Gradually build up. Start small and build bigg.....
True Love....
a girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle)> >>
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.> >>> >>
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!> >>> >>
Guy: Then tell me you love me.> >>> >>
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!> >>> >>
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him)> >>> >>
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me.> >>> >>
In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building> >>because> >>of break failure.
Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one> >>survived.> >>
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks> >>broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say> >>she> >>loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she> >>would live even though it meant he would die.